Grundy Lake Provincial Park

ON-522, Unorganized Centre Parry Sound District, ON

Campground Overview

Established in 1959, Grundy Lake Provincial Park sits 13 km east of Georgian Bay, directly accessible from the Trans-Canada Highway. Grundy offers spacious campground facilities, backcountry canoeing and camping, hiking trails, fishing, swimming, and group camping. The Park is an example of the glacier shaped landscape of the Canadian Shield – carved granite spotted with bogs, ponds, lakes, and mixed forest.

Park visitors can learn about the history of the French River area, the Voyageurs and the fur trade, and the logging industry at the close-by Visitor’s Center or Amphitheater. Grundy also hosts a number of activities for the whole family, providing hands on education about the Park’s natural heritage, and nature in general.


Passing through the main gate, Grundy Lake Provincial Park is made up of nine campgrounds – each named after a different type of native tree. Campsites are generally large and private despite being a larger campground. Some are outfitted for electricity.

The campgrounds span across four main inland lakes – Grundy, Gurd, Gut, and Clear. Six beaches are distributed throughout the campgrounds making swimming easily accessible for all campers. All campgrounds and beaches are fitted with bathroom facilities, and in some cases, comfort stations

  1. White Spruce Campground
  2. Hemlock Campground
  3. Trailer Campground
  4. Poplar Campground
  5. Red Maple Campground
  6. White Pine Campground
  7. White Birch Campground
  8. Jackpine Campground
  9. Balsam Campground
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