Canada’s largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences happens every year in Toronto, and this year’s event is over this weekend(starting today). From various corporate booths to presentations by popular outdoor adventurers, the show is full of information and inspiration for outdoor lovers. Keep your weekend open for this once in a year opportunity!
Toronto International Centre, Hall 5, 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga
Show Hours
- Friday, February 19, 2016, 11am – 8pm
- Saturday, February 20, 2016, 10am – 6pm
- Sunday, February 21, 2016, 10am – 5pm
- Adult: $14
Youths 12 – 17: $12
Seniors 60+: $12
Weekend Pass: $18
Children 11 & under are free
Note: If you buy the tickets online, you can save a few bucks.
For more information, visit their website